Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Another Christmas has come and gone, all that work, baking, shopping, wrapping, cleaning, decorating, cooking, over in a matter of a couple hours.
Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time, Christmas Eve was Mom's birthday and even Rick and the boys came. Ranjr did great with all the people. Lots of food and fun.
Kids all enjoyed Christmas, made just enough food, not too much, killer coconut cream pies, they all seemed to like their gifts, a few would be returned but that's ok.
Today I just sat, took a couple naps and worked on my computer for a while.
Need to get a letter ready for class reunion this year, 45 years, who'd a thunk it.
Also need to get things ready for Bike Week in Fl., will probably leave for there early Feb.

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